martes, 14 de abril de 2015


   Our brain has developed in thousands of years becoming bigger and bigger by creating new parts. One of them is the pre-frontal cortex that help us to adapt to our personal existence, in a psychologic way. This make us happier. That´s because we think happiness is something we have to find, so we synthesizes it. So we build a synthetic happiness. This provide us two types of happiness, the natural one and the synthetical one. 

   The natural one -> We achieve it by having what we want. 

   The synthetical one -> We get it when we don´t have what we want, but instead                                         of being sad, our brain makes us happy. 

One example of getting the synthetical happiness is one Spanish blind swimmer, called Enhamed Enhamed. He was born in Gran Canarias, without having any visual problem. But when he was a teenager he, unfortunately, became blind, but he says that becoming blind was good for his life and he thinks that his life would not be so good if he did not have this visual problem. 

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